Newport NK300 Kayak Outboard Quick Start Guide & Performance Tips

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With the NK300 being the undisputed leader in power and efficiency for kayak motors, it’s important to understand how to properly set up your motor and get top notch performance out of it when you’re pursuing off-the-beaten-path adventure.


Quick Start Guide

Newport’s Quick Start videos are an educational component of every new product launch.  We want you, as the consumer, to feel comfortable with our product before you even get close to the water.  Understanding your motor’s parts, components and features will ensure a safe, successful first outing on the water.  No matter your skill level, we feel confident this video series will add to your experience!  Think of it as a virtual dealer walkthrough that you can pause, play and watch again!

Peak Performance Tips

Peak Performance videos are here to help you get familiar with the adjustable features on your Newport product.  Every watercraft differs, and the way people use those watercrafts is uniquely each person’s preference.  For this reason, we integrate features into our motors that help tailor the performance to match your needs.  Understanding when and how to tune your motor setup for the best performance is a learning experience that can be accelerated through our Peak Performance videos.  These videos cover everything from calibration, to running depth, trim, electrical connectivity, installing control lines and more.  After watching this, you’ll feel like a Newport electric motor technician!

Highlighted products on this week's episode:

Newport NK300
Newport 36V 40Ah LiFePO4 Bluetooth Battery


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