In today’s competitive economy, price sensitive shoppers will not make a purchase without getting a discount. Many scour the web before making a purchase trying to maximize their savings. Some websites take advantage of this practice and advertising discount codes for every brand and website you can think of. However, as you have probably experienced, most of these codes are expired or fake, and will leave you frustrated.
Well known sites like RetailMeNot, DiscountsCat, DealsCove and CouponCodesHero are constantly advertising that they have discount codes or coupons that work on NewportVessels.com. The codes these websites display are fake more often than not. Newport Vessels has never worked with any 3rd party coupon site, and do not plan to work with these site in the future. These codes will not work on NewportVessels.com and these codes will not be honored by calling our sales team. We encourage you not to risk your information or the security of your computer by clicking on these websites and their sketch links.
If you would like to receive codes or discounts, the best way is to sign up for our newsletter or email list. This will notify you of any new products or sales, and sometimes contains coupon codes that can be used at checkout. You can sign up by going to the bottom right corner of any page on newportvessels.com. If you receive a coupon or discount code from us and it doesn’t work, please notify us immediately and we will resolve the issue as quickly as possible. You can use the chat box on our website, email us at support@newportvessels.com or give us a call at (866) 721-0002! Our hours are M-F, 8:30am-4:30pm Pacific Time.
I would like to receive Newport codes ty
great as ALWAYS
Looking to get one of your trolling motors for the 1st time over my old 20-year-old Kota. Are any coupon codes avaib? Thanks just a poor country boy.
Excited to try a Newport motor!